Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Are Near Death Experiences in Bible Scripture? Watch and Decide!

This was from my podcast last week. It's actually my second podcast interview but aired before my first interview with another podcast which will not air until December 1, 2020. If anyone has any comments or questions, I would love to discuss it. If you have any suggestions for me for future podcasts, please share as well. If you have a podcast and would like me as a guest, send me a PM. Jeff Mara discusses NDEs often on his show so you might find other interviews that you might find of interest as well.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Heaven's Truth

 I just finished my book on paperback and I'm so excited! It compares the near-death experience with the Bible and helps to show commonality such as the centrality of love, the afterlife, judgment/life review, etc. I also delve into NDEs and NDE like experiences in the Bible and where the Bible is referenced in the NDE. I have it in paperback now as well as eBook. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D4QJ9S3